Saturday, July 9, 2011

To Graduate, or to not Graduate...that is the Question...

So I've been absent a while from the blog and its mostly because of the fact that I don't have many followers to post for and mostly really because I have no time!!! With senior year of college coming up I find myself wondering if I should maybe take on another year before I graduate, give myself time to build my curriculum vitae or if I should just go on and take my chances with what I have. Only time will tell but its a thought I've been mulling over. However, perhaps one of the reasons I'm mulling this over is because I'm too scared to step out, too scared to rip of the training wheels before jumping into the real world. I'm scared as hell I wont lie about that, and I don't know if I'm ready to take on the real world or not. The idea of taking on the real world makes squeamish and sick at heart, like as if I know I'm going to screw up so badly I'm going to regret it. That being said I wonder, maybe taking on the world can be a good thing jumping in and ripping through it all I might come out bruised but seasoned. Saying it that way scares me as well though, I don't know what to do, I remember my friends feeling lost and scared but I never comprehended the feeling until now, and it's almost scary enough to contemplate staying in school forever....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coffee's Siren gets a Makeover: Hot or Not?

So I don't know if everyone heard about Starbucks changing its logo or not but it is. The logo is dripping its name and the circles around it as a symbol of its expanding influence and interests. The say the new logo will revolutionize their sales and help them expand to newer markets.

"The brand is now evolving to a point where the coffee association is too confining and restrictive," said John Quelch, a marketing professor at Harvard Business School. "Starbucks is fundamentally selling an experience, but by no means is coffee the only part of the experience. It is important that they not have a logo that is too confining."

That,s great for them, but the new logo is an eyesore in my opinion. The old logo had a clean cut edge to it, this boundary-less logo has me raising brows. I preferred the cleaner lines and its overall more "professional" design. Others may differ though but in all honesty I preferred the older logo. I mean why not just use the Starbucks siren on all their other products and leave the previous logo for simply the coffee? At least that,s my opinion, what do you guys think???